
Each project represents a unique event to us. The same goes for our methodology. Depending on the location and specific nature of the project in hand, we set up a special unit of experts chosen on the basis of their skills

The context of our activity always results from the same equation: a customer with raw data that needs to be transformed for an audience, within a given framework, whether a product or a cultural legacy.

We are fully committed to giving meaning to their shows: technology has to be at the service of the content and creativity, and not the other way around.

The aim is to bring the content to the fore to obtain a narrative, a central thread, and select the most suitable technologies.

Throughout the study, concept and creation process to completion of the project, we never lose sight of the objectives and initial remit.

This approach has three fundamental aspects:

  • Listening carefully in order to understand and interpret your expectations as fully as possible
  • Immersing ourselves in the original place and context
  • Developing a unique proposal taking into account all the restrictions outlined in the brief (location, content, budget)​​